Process and Mechanical Modelling of Engineering Composites【電子書籍】[ Anthony Pickett ]

<p>Engineering fibre reinforced polymer FRP composites offer many advantages compared to isotopic metals, but their versatility also creates difficulties for their effective manufacture and design. Selection of the right fibre matrix combination for a specific application must consider many factors, not least cost, performance, recyclability and suitability to environmental conditions. Closely linked to these will be selection of the most suitable manufacturing route with further choices regarding desired production volume, cycle time and final part quality. This book in not primarily intended as a design guide to address these requirements, but rather to introduce the reader to modern analysis methods that undertake both process and mechanical analysis of advanced composites for composites design.</p> <p>Chapters are structured to introduce key topics, including an <strong>overview on composites</strong> and their analysis, <strong>micromechanics</strong>, <strong>macromechanical laminate analysis</strong> and two chapters dedicated to <strong>finite element FE theory</strong> with a focus on composites. This provides the background for chapters dedicated to <strong>process modelling of draping</strong>, <strong>forming</strong> and <strong>infusion</strong>, followed by mechanical modelling of <strong>failure</strong>, <strong>impact</strong> and <strong>crash</strong>. Throughout the book necessary theory, experimental methods, constitutive modelling and numerical methods are elaborated. With applications and worked examples included to help exemplify the theory and numerical methods applied. The book is intended for graduate and post graduate students requiring a broad understanding of modern numerical method for engineering FRP composites analysis. It will also provide a comprehensive overview for researchers and practising engineers in this field.</p> <p>?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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