Modeling of Induction Motors with One and Two Degrees of Mechanical Freedom【電子書籍】[ Ernest Mendrela ]

<p><em>Modeling of Induction Motors with One and Two Degrees of Mechanical</em> <em>Freedom</em> will be of interest to electrical engineering academics and graduate students as well as electric machine designers and engineers involved in control, mechatronics, and automation.<br /> This book presents the mathematical model of induction motors with two degrees of mechanical freedom (IM-2DMF), formed in the electromagnetic field as well as in circuit theory, which allows analyzing the performance of these three groups of motors taking into account edge effects, winding and current asymmetry. The model derived is based on the concept of magnetic field wave moving in the air-gap with a helical motion. In general, the rotor moves helically too with the rotary-linear slip. The electromagnetic field as well as motor performance of the particular motors is analyzed.<br /> The mathematical model of IM-2DMF is more general to the model of induction motors with one degree of mechanical freedom, i.e. rotary and linear motors. Examples of modeling two types of rotary disc motors and flat linear motor with twisted primary part are presented with inclusion of finite stator and rotor length and width effects. The simulation results are backed by the measurements carried out on the laboratory models, which were tested on the unique measurement stand.<br /> By presenting the theory of a group of induction motors with two degrees of mechanical freedom and giving a basis for designing of these type of motors, as well as to give the tool for analysis of their performance, <em>Modeling of Induction Motors with One and Two</em> <em>Degrees of Mechanical Freedom</em> is a must-have book for electrical engineering graduate students and electric machine designers and engineers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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